Sunday, February 14, 2010

Strong Minded Women in Our House...

Happy Valentine's Day!

To celebrate the love, I thought I would share a few CUTE stories that occurred over the past few days with Ms. Lucy Goose...

Lucy has a fascination with the remote control to the television. We've tried giving her one that goes to an old VCR- she refused to play with it. We gave her our current remote control with the batteries removed- she refused to play with it. Earlier today, when mommy wasn't looking, Lucy "stole" the remote control- she was so proud of herself. Rachel, kindly asked Lucy, "Can mommy please have the remote control?" Lucy looked Rachel straight in the face and shook her head "no" while crawling away from Rachel with the remote control in-hand.

Lucy is currently teething. The other night while preparing her dinner, I turned around to find her chewing on her sock. My initial thought was "Apparently, I'm not feeding my daughter enough..."

Lastly, Lucy went to lunch at The Wok with Momma, grandma, & Uncle Seth yesterday. She was VERY well behaved, as always, but started to get a little fidgety towards the end. The waitress, who is a daughter of one of my mom's friends, brought a handful of fortune cookies because she knew Lucy loves them. Lucy was enjoying her cookie and decided to share with grammy. Lucy shoved the cookie into my mom's mouth, my mom gently ate the cookie, and said "Thank you for sharing Lucy!" So, what happens next was a RIOT! Lucy's looks at my mom and burst into inconsolable sobs! We offerred Lucy other cookies, but she apparently wanted the one my mom ate... and... the gesture of sharing was nice, but it wasn't sincere!

Oh my, this little girl keeps a smile on my face! I feel the love EVERY day during EVERY interaction!

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